Aneros Announces The Aneros® Prelude™ Enema Bulb Kit
For Immediate Release
HOUSTON, TX (October 5, 2022) – Aneros®, the popular sexual health and wellness innovator, is excited to officially announce the release of its new Aneros Prelude™, our new enema bulb kit. The Aneros Prelude™ is a cleansing system that provides a new take on personal hygiene introducing the option of low volume internal rinsing for easier, quicker and more comfortable cleansing sessions. The Prelude features an all medical-grade velvet touch silicone design for comfort and easy care and cleaning. A large 10 fl.oz. pleated easy grip bulb which allows up to 4 low volume rinses without refilling. A one way, slow-flow valve to prevent back flow of liquid into the bulb. And an easy-grip ergonomic nozzle with backstop for simple assembly/disassembly, sanitary handling and proper depth of insertion.
While enemas have been around since the dawn of civilization, their design has remained essentially the same: a flexible bulb or sack to hold liquid and a thin hollow tube that allows the introduction of liquid into the body when the bulb is compressed. For most of its history the purpose of an enema has remained the same also, a therapeutic internal cleansing by a sudden injection of liquid which triggers peristalsis, the rhythmic muscular contraction of the colon and rectum. In more recent times, with a wider acceptance of anal and prostate play the concept of an enema for pre-recreational cleansing has come about. Unfortunately, the design of traditional enema gear isn’t compatible with this.
“For most people, the idea of a pre-recreational enema is about cleaning the rectum, not the entire lower digestive tract, and conventional enemas discharge too quickly with too much fluid and too much force to allow that. The Aneros Prelude solves this via a special one-way, slow-flow valve that slows the output of the nozzle. This permits better control and prevents liquid from pooling in the colon where it can trigger cramping. Once cramping occurs it generally results in a far more time intensive cleansing process. With the Aneros Prelude, Aneros introduces the concept of lower volume rinsing which effectively limits the cleansing to the rectum. The slow-flow feature discharges liquid gradually, avoiding the pressure and discomfort caused by a sudden surge of a large amount of fluid into the body.” says Aneros Product and Business Development Manager Forrest Andrews .
“We are so excited to introduce the Aneros Prelude. We’ve created a unique and innovative re-design of an ages old device that holds a tremendous benefit for people who are looking for a pre-recreational enema prior to any kind of anal or prostate play. Unlike most of the enemas on the market that are made for therapeutic use, this product is specifically designed for people who are into pleasure that involves the rectum but are eager to avoid the mess that may accompany it. For that reason, we believe that…Confidence begins with a Prelude.” says Brent Aldon director of sales and marketing.
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Aneros, prelude enema bulb kit, aneros prelude, new product, product release, retail, enema, teaser, new release, new product release, sexual health, wellness, sexually gratifying, Super-O, Kegel exerciser, prostate massage, knowledge, education, product announcement, new product announcement
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For more information, please contact:
Brent Aldon
Sales and Marketing director